Logic Model


The above logic model shows the relationship between the independent variable, “use of online learning environment”, and the variable of interest, “student self-efficacy in computing”, as well as a moderating factor, “use of self-regulated learning strategies. 

The problem this addresses is student interest in computer science for pre-university students. While overall interest is growing (based on university enrollment in computer science programs), the percentages of students from groups that are considered to be underrepresented in computing (women, African Americans, and Hispanics primarily) have not shown significant improvement in many universities. It is my contention that a factor in participation is perception of ability, particularly when a student compares their own ability to students that have prior programming experience. The online environment is a necessary factor for reducing the effect of learning in a demographically unbalanced face-to-face classroom setting. The use of self-regulated learning strategies would be an intervention that I believe could build stronger competency levels and in turn encourage more students in the targeted groups to enroll in university computer science programs.