- Question 2: The instructor was available and willing to help the student. Explain:
- Mr. Sands probably helped me the most and the examples he related labs to as well as his introduction of python tutor to me greatly helped.
- Question 4: The instructor explained course material clearly. Explain:
- Professor Sands is the best!! I needed help on a project and he went through all the errors I was having very slowly since he could tell I struggled with the topic I needed help with. He explained why my code wasn’t working and then also explained why the solution helped fix that error. Great professor
- Did great on the lecture videos
- All instructors lead me in the right direction towards finding solution without giving me the exact answers, which made for a great experience in the course as well as a successful one. Each week, course material presented to the class was also helpful for the exams.
- Question 6: The instructor was well-prepared for classes and other related course activities. Explain:
- Gave a lot of material regarding weekly responsibilities so that students could easily follow along with the class. Material including: overview of weekly goals, weekly checklist, lecture videos, and information on piazza
- Very good in the lecture videos
- The instructor was well-prepared for classes and other related course activities with PowerPoints and example scenarios to further explain topics.
- Question 8: The instructor organized the course well. Explain:
- Schedule was designed so every Friday and Sunday course material was due every time. Made it easy to stay organized.
- As explained before everything was neatly organized and in order to guide me throughout the course easily and efficiently.
- Question 10: Comments: Please provide any additional feedback and constructive comments.
- This class has been very enjoyable and the organization made it very easy to know exactly what needed to be done every week.
- Fun class, really got me to use my brain a lot more and use multiple ways to get an outcome.
- Question 2: The instructor was available and willing to help the student. Explain:
- Helped me on more than one occasion, really good at leading me to new solutions.
- The instructor is very responsible for the students, and the instructor sets the course content in great detail.
- Question 4: The instructor explained course material clearly. Explain:
- Examples given during the lecture helped overall understanding of the course.
- Phil Andrew Sands explained course material clearly.
- Question 6: The instructor was well-prepared for classes and other related course activities. Explain:
- The teacher was very clear in class.
- Took the class online so all material was posted weekly.
- Question 8: The instructor organized the course well. Explain:
- Class was easy to follow, great structure.
- Each session is very well organized.
- Question 10: Comments: Please provide any additional feedback and constructive comments.
- I learned more from this class than I thought possible.